Unreal Integration
Follow the link - https://github.com/readyio/rgn_unreal and clone it somewhere nearby the project directory.
Open the just pulled repository and copy the folder “Plugins” from it to the root of your project directory.
Open your project via Unreal Engine again and accept the offer to rebuild the modules.
Unreal integration
PLAY SDK requires the following software:
Unreal 5+
It is always recommended to use a late version of Unreal for bug fixes and up-to-date compatibility.
If you are unable to find a solution in our documentation you can reach out to us directly by:
Unreal integration
Developers have access to two different environments:
Staging: Use this environment while developing and testing. This environment will use the testing blockchain backend.
Production: Use this environment for the releases, live versions available to users.
John started integrating the READYgg SDK in his application by setting the Staging environment.
He completed and tested feature Implementation in the Staging environment.
After that, he is ready to update the version in Stores, so he set Production and created new builds for store submission. He did a smoke test and updated in Stores.
After submitting to the stores, he switched back to the Staging environment to work on new features for their upcoming release.
After setting up the above configuration data, you can switch Staging/Production environment from the Unreal plugin setting menu:
ReadyGamesNetwork->Environment Target->Staging
ReadyGamesNetwork->Environment Target->Production
Unreal integration
Go on the developer dashboard and select/create your project.
Open the project settings and scroll down to the Plugins category and find the “ReadyGamesNetwork”, then fill the ProjectId and ApiKey fields by values from your console project.
Unreal integration
Open your level blueprint.
All blueprints nodes for PLAY SDK you can find in special category named “ReadyGamesNetwork”.
Add two core nodes to start work with the SDK - Core /Initialize and Core /Update.
Unreal Engine integration