Integration Guide
The AchievementsModule
allows to give the user different rewards for making progress. The first things you'll need to decide are when you want to reward the user and what should be given as a reward.
Currently, the achievements support 3 types of user rewards:
Virtual Items rewards - the virtual items are added to the user's inventory
Currency Coins rewards - the currency coins are added to the user's data. It is not possible to give the "rgn-coin" as a currency reward here.
Progression rewards - If you want to track user progress. You can use custom progression data types and store those in the user's data. When the achievement is completed and the progression rewards are given, it will increment the user's progression values accordingly. The progression values should be numbers. To retrieve the progression data you need to use the GameProgressModule:
You can create new achievements by using the developer dashboard or by reaching out to the PLAY team.
Unreal integration
Coming soon
Unity integration
Achievements can be used to reward the player following some specific actions in your game. He can be rewarded with currencies, virtual items, progression or leaderboard score.
This function returns the completed and on going achievements for the user.
If the achievement is not set to be automatically claimed when completed, you can claim it in game to show to the player the rewards he received.
If the achievement is not set to be automatically claimed when completed, you can claim it in game to show to the player the rewards he received.
The request name can be set in the when creating the achievement.
The request name can be set in the when creating the achievement.