No-code conversion from web2 to web3: no programming skills required and can be executed in less than a month.
Instantly compatibility with Android, Apple, and Epic Stores.
No-code expansion into social apps: Telegram MiniApps ready + WhatsApp, Discord, YouTube compatibility to be released soon.
Streamlined integration of AI agents in-game via partnership.
The PLAY ecosystem for developers has two primary components:
An API that contains all the methods required to run in-game and inter-game economies.
An SDK, compatible with Unity 3D and Unreal, that allows for easy access to the API and integration of the ecosystem into the game.
PvP Matchmaking
Cross platform play (mobile/PC/console)
User Profile Management
In-Game Chat (audio, video, text)
Friends List & Invite System
In-game Social Feed
Achievements & Rewards
Currency System
Portable Avatars
UGC Asset Marketplace
NFT Integration in-game
Customization System
Dev / Creator Analytics
Many of these functions are enhanced by integration with a utility token. Functions for each key stakeholder- devs, creators, players- are enhanced by integration with a dedicated token for the ecosystem. From a high level perspective, the use case can be summarized:
“Dev to Earn” - Developers can issue rare items- both in the forms of in-game currency backed by an NFT, or in-game obje cts designed to have scarcity and ownership rights, also backed by NFTs. In turn, those items can be used by devs to strategically motivate player behavior- by designing in-game “play to earn” mechanics under their control.
“Create to Earn” - Creators, such as artists designing rare items for sale, can easily manufacture and place those items for sale. Developers can opt to syndicate the Creator content into their games (categorized by hashtags, which in turn are “storefronts”), and work with Creators to build in-game virtual goods economies. Owners of these items- players- can opt to trade them, or put them for sale in-game or in third-party marketplaces, creating a robust economy for the virtual goods.
“Play to Earn” - Players through game play can acquire rewards (economics set by the dev) in exchange for their in-game actions. Thus players who dedicate time and effort- aka “good players” - can generate tangible rewards over time, which in turn- such as game assets or premium game currency they earned- can be sold.
What follows are more detailed explanations of the mechanics for each stakeholder group.