
If you are selling an NFT in your game, it is important to check the following :

Is user authenticated with a email?

using UnityEngine;
using RGN;

public class WalletExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private bool IsUserAuthenticatedWithEmail()
        return RGNCoreBuilder.I.CurrentAuthState.AuthProvider == EnumAuthProvider.Email;

Is user has a wallet?

using UnityEngine;
using RGN;
using RGN.Modules.Wallets;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class WalletExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private async Task<bool> IsUserHasBlockchainRequirement()
        bool hasRequirement = await WalletsModule.I.IsUserHasBlockchainRequirementAsync();
        return hasRequirement;

Create wallet

using UnityEngine;
using RGN.Modules.Wallets;

public class WalletExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private void CreateWallet()
        // This will open the OAuth form for the wallet creation

Example flow for NFT purchase

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using RGN;
using RGN.Modules.Wallets;
using RGN.Modules.SignIn;
using RGN.Modules.Store;

public class WalletExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private async void BuyNFTVirtualItem()
        bool authWithEmail = RGNCoreBuilder.I.CurrentAuthState.AuthProvider == EnumAuthProvider.Email;
        if (!authWithEmail)

        bool hasBlockchainRequirement = await WalletsModule.I.IsUserHasBlockchainRequirementAsync();
        if (!hasBlockchainRequirement)

        List<string> virtualItemIds = new List<string> { "myNftVirtualItemId" };
        PurchaseResult purchaseResult = await StoreModule.I.BuyVirtualItemsAsync(virtualItemIds);

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