
Unity integration


Every project may have multiple custom currencies. For example "diamonds" and/or "cash". Aside from these typical game currencies, projects wishing to sell NFTs must integrate a specific currency. The internal name for this currency is "rgn-coin". When the "rgn-coin" is presented in the UI it can have any currency name, for example, "gems".

The "rgn-coin" can only be sold using in-app purchases. For more information, please refer to the Currency GDG.

Other typical currencies can be added and used in an expected manner - as rewards to the user's account, or sold for in-app purchases.

We suggest utilizing Unity's IAP Package to handle the in-app purchase process on Android and iOS.

Purchase rgn-coin (IAP required)

Purchasing rgn-coin works a bit differently, it has its own API called PurchaseRGNCoinAsync(string iapUUID)

We recommend using the latest version of the Unity IAP plugin.

You will need to get the transactionId and receipt from the PurchaseEventArgs when the in app purchase is completed.

rgn-coin Products

10 rgn-coin :

"uid": "4a13bcd3-ff64-43a4-8c13-e978d968f68c",
"priceInUSD": 0.99,
"quantity": 10

20 rgn-coin :

"uid": "0eeae85c-c9af-47f0-8df4-56a4442c23d7",
"priceInUSD": 1.99,
"quantity": 20

30 rgn-coin :

"uid": "9d2ed68b-2a6c-45d4-bc07-29f256799943",
"priceInUSD": 2.99,
"quantity": 30

50 rgn-coin :

"uid": "b7bcbbf6-753d-47dd-8bff-93b4539c825d",
"priceInUSD": 4.99,
"quantity": 50

110 rgn-coin :

"uid": "b81e8e95-59a6-4a77-b1bc-f5b7d6eacfa4",
"priceInUSD": 9.99,
"quantity": 110

300 rgn-coin :

"uid": "f35c4f83-cf22-4723-828a-66e8069614eb",
"priceInUSD": 24.99,
"quantity": 300

500 rgn-coin :

"uid": "3c814835-9f6f-4947-98f0-6e70964b887d",
"priceInUSD": 39.99,
"quantity": 500

1000 rgn-coin :

"uid": "b65994dc-ecfd-4549-ab32-51e196947c8b",
"priceInUSD": 69.99,
"quantity": 1000

Add rgn-coin to user

using UnityEngine;
using RGN.Modules.Currency;
using UnityEngine.Purchasing;

public class CurrenciesExamples : MonoBehaviour
    public PurchaseProcessingResult ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs purchaseEvent)
        bool validPurchase = true; // Presume valid for platforms with no R.V.

        if (validPurchase)
            Debug.Log($"Product {purchaseEvent.purchasedProduct.definition.id} Purchased");
            string transactionId = purchaseEvent.purchasedProduct.transactionID;
            string receipt = purchaseEvent.purchasedProduct.receipt;
            PurchaseRGNCoinAsync(transactionId, receipt);
            Debug.LogError($"Something happened when trying to purchase product {purchaseEvent.purchasedProduct.definition.id}");

        return PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete;

    public async void PurchaseRGNCoinAsync(string transactionId, string receipt)
        string rgnProductId = "4a13bcd3-ff64-43a4-8c13-e978d968f68c"; // 10 rgn-coin
        await CurrencyModule.I.PurchaseRGNCoinAsync(rgnProductId, transactionId, receipt);

Get user rgn-coin

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using RGN.Modules.Currency;

public class CurrenciesExamples : MonoBehaviour
    public async void GetRgnCoinCurrenciesAsync()
        List<Currency> currencies = await CurrencyModule.I.GetUserCurrenciesAsync();
        Currency readyCurrency = currencies.Find(x => x.name.Equals("rgn-coin"));
        Debug.Log($"User has {readyCurrency.quantity} rgn-coin");

Custom currencies

Add soft currencies to user

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using RGN.Modules.Currency;

public class CurrenciesExamples : MonoBehaviour
    public async void AddSoftCurrenciesAsync()
        Currency goldCurrency = new Currency
            name = "gold",
            quantity = 10
        List<Currency> currenciesToAdd = new List<Currency> { goldCurrency };
        await CurrencyModule.I.AddUserCurrenciesAsync(currenciesToAdd);

Get user soft currencies

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using RGN.Modules.Currency;

public class CurrenciesExamples : MonoBehaviour
    public async void GetSoftCurrenciesAsync()
        List<Currency> currencies = await CurrencyModule.I.GetUserCurrenciesAsync();
        Currency goldCurrency = currencies.Find(x => x.name.Equals("gold"));
        Debug.Log($"User has {goldCurrency.quantity} gold");

Last updated

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