
Unity integration


The user profile module is used to store user specific data related to his identity.

  • userId (string): Unique READYgg ID for a user. Authenticated user has the same ID accross applications using READYgg.

  • email (string): Email of the authenticated user.

  • displayName (string): Authenticated user share the same display name accross applications using READYgg.

  • profilePicture (userProfilePicture): Authenticated user share the same profile picture accross applications using READYgg.

  • bio (string): Authenticated user share the same bio accross applications using READYgg.

  • currencies (List<Currency>): Contains all the currencies user collected for your application.

UserProfileData class methods

  • GetRGNCoinBalance();

    • Return the amount of rgn-coin for this user.

  • GetCustomCoinBalance(string currencyName);

    • Return the amount of your custom currency for this user.

Load User Profile

using RGN;
using RGN.Modules.UserProfile;
using UnityEngine;

public class UserProfileExample : MonoBehaviour
    public async void LoadUserProfileDataAsync()
        string userId = RGNCore.I.MasterAppUser.UserId;
        UserProfileData userProfileData = await UserProfileModule.I.GetFullUserProfileAsync<UserProfileData>();
        Debug.Log($"Display name : {userProfileData.displayName} \n" +
            $"Bio : {userProfileData.bio} \n" +
            $"Email : {userProfileData.email} \n");

Update UserName/Display Name

using UnityEngine;
using RGN.Modules.UserProfile;

public class UserProfileExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private async void UpdateDisplayName()
        string newDisplayName = await UserProfileModule.I.SetDisplayNameAsync("New display name");
        Debug.Log($"Display name : {newDisplayName}");

Update User Bio

using UnityEngine;
using RGN.Modules.UserProfile;

public class UserProfileExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private async void UpdateUserBio()
        string newBio = await UserProfileModule.I.SetBioAsync("This is my user description");
        Debug.Log($"Bio : {newBio}");

Retrieve User Currencies

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RGN.Modules.UserProfile;
using RGN.Modules.Currency;

public class UserProfileExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private async void GetUserCurrencies()
        List<Currency> currencies = await UserProfileModule.I.GetUserCurrenciesAsync();
        foreach (Currency currency in currencies)
            Debug.Log($"Type : {currency.name} Quantity : {currency.quantity}");

"rgn-coin" Currency

Last updated

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